Well, this is a blog, written by a teen, that has no idea whatsoever what she's doing. So, enjoy!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wow, that was a long time.

 I have not posted in like for ever, and I  don't like it. Man, kid life is tough exciting! I'm stuck with so much stuff on my schedule that I don't have time for this thing. what am I going to do! I love having this blog, but I love doing all the stuff that I normally do. My posts are so short. How do you big-time bloggers do it?!? 


  1. You don't have to post something every day or every couple of days. There is no rule on how frequently you have to post. You have your priorities, and for a girl your age you have them in the right order. It's much more important for you to live your life with your family and friends instead of worrying over what to write here.

    My only suggestion is to keep a pencil and a small notebook in your pocket to write down things that happen that might be good "blog fodder," and write down what struck you as noteworthy at the time to jog your memory later. (Pencil, please, NOT a pen that can explode all over your jeans. Your mom has enough laundry to do without battling ink stains.)

    If you're really stuck for a subject, maybe you're excited about something you learned today that you want to share with the rest of us.

    Finally, writing a lot isn't the same thing as writing well. For this blogger, it means that I am incapable of quickly getting to the point. Sometimes "short and sweet" is all that's needed.

    Don't be hard on yourself!

  2. Thanks, I needed that. by the way, not to be pushy or anything, but would you consider
    following my blog? you seem to be pretty interested in it.

  3. yea it would be great

  4. I was acually talking to "just me" not you, kitty.

  5. I am following it. I just haven't put a link to it on my blog because I've been getting spammed. You're a minor, and the spam I've been getting is NOT always kid friendly.

  6. I don't really care. but thanks for caring.


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